The gritty, hard reality of being a kiwi expat during COVID19


COVID-19 has turned the world upside down, and for Kiwi expats, it has presented a unique set of challenges. This blog explores the gritty, hard reality of being a Kiwi expat during these unprecedented times.

Living away from home, Kiwi expats have had to deal with the added stress of being separated from family and friends. The pandemic has made it incredibly difficult to travel, resulting in many being unable to see loved ones for extended periods. The uncertainty and unpredictability of the situation have only added to the anxiety and homesickness felt by many.

For those living and working overseas, the economic impact of COVID-19 has been significant. Job losses, reduced hours, and pay cuts have been common, leaving many struggling to make ends meet. Add to this the high cost of living in some countries, and the financial pressure has been immense. Additionally, the pandemic has disrupted many expats’ career plans, with some having to delay or even abandon their dreams of working abroad.

The lockdowns and restrictions imposed in many countries have also had a profound impact on Kiwi expats’ social lives. Isolation and loneliness have become real issues, with many struggling to maintain a sense of connection and community. The loss of social interaction has taken a toll on mental health, with some expats reporting increased levels of depression and anxiety.

Navigating the healthcare systems in foreign countries has also been a challenge for Kiwi expats. In some cases, access to quality healthcare has been limited, and language barriers have added an extra layer of complexity. This has been especially concerning for those with pre-existing health conditions or those who have contracted COVID-19 themselves.

Despite these challenges, Kiwi expats have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability. Many have found ways to stay connected with family and friends back home, using technology to bridge the distance. Some have also taken the opportunity to reevaluate their priorities and make changes in their lives, whether that’s pursuing a new career path or focusing on their mental and physical well-being.

In conclusion, being a Kiwi expat during COVID-19 has been a tough reality. However, through resilience and adaptability, many have been able to navigate these challenges and come out stronger on the other side. As the world begins to recover from the pandemic, let’s hope that Kiwi expats can once again embrace the adventure and opportunities that come with living abroad.

Remember, we’re all in this together, and no matter where in the world we are, we’ll get through this. Kia kaha, Kiwis!


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