Walking the iconic Rakiura Track: New Zealand’s most underrated Great Walk


I recently had the pleasure of embarking on the Rakiura Track, a lesser-known but equally breathtaking Great Walk in New Zealand. This blog is about my journey, highlighting the track’s unique features, its natural beauty, and the unforgettable experiences it offered.

The Rakiura Track, located on Stewart Island, is often overshadowed by its more famous counterparts, the Milford Track. However, this gem has its own charm and allure that make it a must-do for avid hikers and nature lovers.

The trail itself is a well-maintained and relatively easy hike, suitable for both beginners and experienced trekkers. The track meanders through diverse landscapes, from native bush and lush forests to sweeping coastlines and dramatic headlands. Each step reveals a new vista, a testament to the raw beauty of this untouched wilderness.

One of the highlights of the Rakiura Track is the abundance of wildlife. As I hiked, I was constantly accompanied by the chirping of native birds, and on occasion, I even spotted the elusive kiwi. The track is also home to a variety of seabirds, and it was a treat to witness them soaring overhead or perched on the rocky cliffs. The encounters with nature were truly awe-inspiring.

The coastal sections of the track were a particular favourite. The views of the rugged coastline, with its crashing waves and hidden coves, were nothing short of spectacular. The turquoise waters contrasted against the dramatic cliffs, creating a scene that was both captivating and humbling. Taking a moment to soak in the sounds of the ocean and the smell of the sea breeze was a rejuvenating experience.

Along the way, I also had the opportunity to visit historical sites and learn about the island’s rich cultural heritage. The Maori settlements and the stories they hold added an extra layer of depth to the journey, making it not just a physical adventure but also a journey through time.

The Rakiura Track is not just about the destination; it’s about the journey. The sense of isolation and connection with nature is palpable. It’s a chance todisconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with the simplicity and beauty of the great outdoors.

Whether it’s the tranquility of the native bush, the majesty of the coastline, or the encounters with wildlife, the Rakiura Track has something to offer everyone. It’s a reminder that sometimes the most underrated places can hold the greatest surprises.

So, if you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure in New Zealand, I highly recommend giving the Rakiura Track a go. It may not have the same level of fame as some of the other Great Walks, but its raw beauty and unique experiences make it a true hidden gem. Lace up your boots, embrace the unknown, and get ready to be immersed in the untouched splendour of Rakiura.

Until next time, happy trails!


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